SKYE CANYON PARK – 10111 W. Skye Canyon Park Dr.
The sprawling 15-acre Skye Canyon Park, adjacent to Skye Center and Skye Fitness, is the heartbeat of the neighborhood and home to many community events. Easily-accessible, the park features large green spaces, grass soccer fields, full sized basketball court with 6 hoops, 2 covered playgrounds, including a splash pad, restroom facilities and resident-only access to the Junior Olympic Pool.
Open Daily from 6 AM to 9 PM
There is no supervision provided during park hours. Use of any and all facilities and equipment is undertaken at your own risk. Children under 14 must be supervised by an adult. Play equipment if any, in this park may be designed for specific age groups. Please consult the stickers and notices on each piece of equipment prior to use. Skye Canyon Community Association is not responsible for injuries occurring from use of the provided play equipment.
NO ALCOHOL: The sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.
NO VIOLATION OF LAW: Any activity prohibited by federal, state or county ordinances is strictly prohibited.
ANIMALS: Domestic pets only. All pets must be on a leash at all times controlled by a person suitable age and strength. Leashes must not extend beyond 6 feet. Owners are responsible for all pet waste clean-up and removal. Waste bags are provided as a courtesy when available.
FLAMMABLE MATERIALS: No fireworks, personal barbeques, or open flames. Barbeques are only permitted is designated, permanent barbeque pits.
NO OVERNIGHT OCCUPANCY: Overnight occupancy, camping, and/or sleeping is strictly prohibited.
VEHICLES: Passenger vehicles are restricted to designated parking area and may not be operated within the landscape, walkways, or other common areas. Vehicles must be properly parked at all times.
RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT: Skateboards, bicycles, scooters, ATV’s, rollerblades, and other recreational equipment that transports individuals may not be operated within the park.
PARK RESERVATIONS: Parks may be reserved for special events at the discretion of Skye Canyon Community Association subject to certain terms and fees. Applications may be delivered to the Association Office. Parks may be closed during special events.
Skye Canyon Community Association is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
Violations of the Park Rules may result in fines, misdemeanor penalties, trespassing citations, and cancellation of future rights to use these facilities.
SKYE CANYON PARK – all photos taken by Angela O’Hare
- Skye Canyon Park
- Skye Canyon Park
- Playground Overview
- Playground Overview
- Playground Overview
- Playground Overview
- Lighted Basketball Court
- Playground Entrance
- Playground 1
- Community Restrooms
- Splash Pad
- Splash Pad
- Splash Pad
- Playground 2
- Playground 2
- Soccer Field
- Soccer Field
- Community Pool
- Community Pool & Spa
- Community Pool & Spa
- Community Pool & Spa
- Community Pool & Spa
- Community Pool
- Community Spa
Angela O’Hare
Favorite Las Vegas Realtor
Home Realty Center
Lic. #180246
[email protected]